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Frequently Asked Questions

When will the GFW fur buyer be in my area?

You can find the schedule for your area on the Fur Route Schedules page.  The routes for the upcoming season will be posted by approximately October 15.

Can I ship my fur to GFW?

Yes. Many of our customers ship their fur to us if it is stretched and dried. We do NOT accept shipped green or carcass fur. Shipping Instructions.

How quickly do you pay?

If you sell directly to our buyer on the fur route, you will receive a check immediately. If you ship your fur to us, we will grade it promptly and call you with a price. If you are satisfied, we will send you a check IMMEDIATELY. If not, we will send the your goods back to you at OUR expense.  We never pay with cash.  We only pay with a check.

Why doesn’t GFW give prices over the phone?

We can’t price what we don’t see.  GFW does not believe it to be a fair practice to give fur prices online or over the phone.  It is difficult to price a fur without a buyer actually seeing it since the value of a skin varies greatly by quality, size, color, etc.  In addition, market fluctuations will have an impact on the price; the price of a fur skin on a given day may be very different (more or less) just a few days or weeks later.

Bringing fur to one of the route stops is the best way to receive a fair, current and accurate price.  Also note:  We do not buy on an ‘average’.

How can I find the hunting/trapping laws for my state?

Please see our web page: State DNR Links.  GFW will only buy what is legal for you to sell.

How should my pelts be prepared?

Please click on this link:  Care of Pelts.

Why is GFW always the first to react to market changes?

GFW has reps in all major fur-producing areas of the world (China, Hong Kong, Germany, Russia, Turkey, Greece) and is in constant contact with them.

Where can I purchase trapping supplies?

GFW does not sell trapping supplies. Please see links on our website.  Useful Websites

Does GFW buy fur all year?

GFW will buy your fur any time of the year as long as it is legal for your to have it and sell it.  Please contact your local DNR with any questions, as the rules and regulations vary by state.  State DNR Links

How do I store my deer hides?

Hides must be just skinned, fresh, fresh frozen or salted.  Do not leave skin side exposed to dry out.  No head or legs attached the hide.  Skin neck out up to ears as much as possible.  Deer hides should be folded and frozen or sold quickly.

Keeping Fur until next year

In many states it is against the law to keep hides past a certain date.  Some states can issue permits to hold.  Please check your state’s regulations.  If you are legal to hold, only properly stretched and dried fur can be kept in a freezer until the next year.  Skinned or carcass fur cannot be kept until the next year as they will become freezer burned and not be of value.

Why don’t you like The ‘Money Cut’?

It misrepresents the skin to the manufacturer and results in unhappy customers.

Does GFW buy skunk?

GFW only buys skinned or properly stretched and dried skunk.

Does GFW buy squirrels?

GFW buys squirrel tails.  Cut tail off and either freeze or salt and lie flat.

What is a ‘cotton mink’?

A ‘cotton mink’ is a mink with a genetic flaw where some or all of the under fur is white.  This causes more expense for the manufacturer because they have to die the pelt.  In addition, a ‘cotton mink’ is usually an inferior skin.

How do I freeze my pelts?

Pelts should be frozen with the hair clean, dry and de-burred.  Raccoon can be frozen flat with the head and the tail tucked underneath.   All skins should be frozen with fur out.  Muskrat pelts should be frozen flat.  Beaver can be folded when freezing.

Does GFW prefer wood or wire stretchers?

At GFW, we use wire stretchers because they are efficient to work with and when animals are skinned properly the true natural pattern can be achieved on wire stretchers.  Board stretchers are fine but are sometimes used to try to get more inches.  This can result in over-stretching, weaker furs and patterns that actually make the fur look worse because belly fur is put on the back which makes the fur look very weak.

What does ‘past prime’ mean and when does it happen?

In the fall, furs are becoming prime and putting on their winter coat.  Anytime after they are prime the fur is very susceptible to a breakdown in the natural beauty of a prime skin.  This process can take place very quickly in a matter of days or weeks in certain animals depending on the environment.

How much more will I get for scraping my furs?

GFW wants to reward the person who takes care of their skins.  With most skins, a trapper can expect to get approximately a 20% increase or more for their scraped raccoon if done properly.  All fur is rewarded if scraped and dried properly.

Is it worth it for me to skin my raccoon or muskrats?

It is always worth it for a hunter or trapper to skin their fur if done properly.  The fur takes less freezer space and the hunter and trapper can sell when they want to.

When is the best time to sell?

GFW does not predict the market but adjusts according to market indicators.  We may adjust our price several times a day, or the price may not change for several weeks, but we do adjust our price throughout our buying season.

Do you trade gloves for deer hides?

Yes, we trade deer skin gloves for deer hides.  We either trade cash for deer hides, or trade 2 hides for 1 pair of gloves.  Hides must be fresh and well taken care of.

If there is bad weather, how do I know if the fur truck is coming?

Please look at our Facebook or Instagram page, or contact our office.  Please do not call the fur stop.

How should I thaw my fur before I sell?

Never defrost under direct heat or water.  Fur should be thawed slowly, only to the point where it is still cold and ice can be felt on the inside.  It is better to err on the side of too frozen than over-thawed.  Please be careful if thawing fur in unusually warm temperatures.  Always freeze your raccoon fresh.  Muskrats should not be thawed, please leave them frozen flat.   Please remember, different animals and different sizes thaw out at different rates.

Is the color of a raccoon important?

The color of a raccoon skin is very important.  All of our raccoon are graded partially on color.

How do furs get ‘rubbed’?

A raccoon can get rubbed once they start denning and their skin is agitated by pests, bacteria, virus and/or environment.

What is a ‘springy’ mink?

This is a mink that is past prime and the tips of the hairs become damaged and a discoloration of fur occurs.

What is a ‘springy’ raccoon?

This is a raccoon that is past prime, becoming more yellow.  It can have a rub spot and thus it becomes damaged.  Also the under wool begins to become matted and destroyed affecting the normal appearance of a prime raccoon.

Should I scrape beaver?

Beaver are extremely time consuming to scrape.  We scrape them mechanically and we give a good price for green beaver.  However, if you properly scrape your beaver skins, we will reward you accordingly.

I do not live near your fur stops.  How can I send you my fur?

You can ship stretched and dried fur to us.  We have many hunters and trappers in the US who ship directly to us.  Please see our website under “Shipping to GFW“.

I am a dealer.  How can I work with GFW?

We work with several dealers in the United States.  You are welcome to call us and ask how we can work together.

Can GFW tan a skin for me?

No.  GFW does not provide any tanning or dressing services.

If I don’t like your price can I take my furs back?

Yes, you can take your furs back prior to accepting the check.  Once you accept the price/check, you can not take your furs back.

Can I drive to your factory to sell my furs?

Yes.  We are open Monday through Saturday.  Please call if you are coming outside of normal working hours.

Do you have any selling tips for me?

Clean, fresh and well taken care of fur always gets more money.  Burs and dirty fur can reduce the pelt’s value.  Freshness is something that is very important to all GFW buyers.

Does it pay for me to process my fur?

Properly processed fur does bring more money.  See “Care of Pelts” on our website.

Could GFW stop closer to where I live?

We have a full schedule of traditional stops, however if you have a request, please talk to our fur buyer or call the office.

How do you put a value on my fur?

All fur is graded according to value, which is calculated by size, color, damage and/or clean, primeness and care of the pelt.  We make several piles of grades to determine the value.  We do NOT buy based upon an average.

How does a coyote/fox get rubbed?

Coyotes and foxes have a period of time when they become ‘prime’.  This is a time when all of their guard hairs are in place and the underwool has its’ full winter thickness.  After this period of time it is easy for the delicate hairs to be rubbed off because of where it dens and the environment where it hunts.  Additionally, when the animal lays in the snow the body temperature melts snow and then freezes thus the hair sticks to the snow pulling it out of the skin.  The hips can be an area that often rubs first.  Some coyotes (because of genetics) simply have weak spots of hair especially on their mane and around their neck.

How important is it to get burs out of the fur?

Hunters and trappers can add value to their pelt by carefully picking out the burrs from the fur.  At the factory it is very expensive for us to spend the time necessary to pick out burrs without damaging the fur.  It is worthwhile for a trapper to pick out the burrs otherwise the buyer may assume the skin to be damaged because of the presence of burrs.

Why doesn’t GFW attend local fur auctions?

Each GFW buyer has a very specific schedule during the course of a year  On our routes is where we intend to pay the most we can to our regular hunters and trappers.

How do I sell at your truck?

This is a simple process.  First, find a stop near you by checking our fur route schedules online.  Bring your fur to the truck at the scheduled stop.  We will need your name and address so we can add you to our database.  Some states also require us to record your hunter/trapper license number.  Once the buyer has graded your fur, he will tell you the price.  If you accept the price, we will issue you a check on the spot.  If you don’t agree with the price, you may take your fur back.

Who buys the furs from GFW?

We sell to all major markets throughout the world.  We sell to brokers, to skin dealers and manufacturers.

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